Title: Welcome Distractions
Author: Julia, Admiral of the Pink (
Pairing: Aubrey/Pullings. Or Pullings/Aubrey (O_o;)
Rating: PG... 11? If only for waist-up nudity.
Notes: ... *facepalm* Even I don't know which one of them is in charge, in this one. I think my subconscious has a submissive!Jack fetish or something that manifests and I don't realise until I'm finished with the piece.
This was the first M&C piece I did, back in 2005, so please excuse how horrible Jack's uniform looks. *facepalm, again* I was not familiar with them, at that point... I basically hate everything about Jack except his head, hair and right hand (which I just fixed this evening; only took a bloody year to get around to but DAMN IT I'M HAPPY WITH IT NOW). I am, however, relatively happy with how Tom turned out. His torso and his... well, his arse, bring me joy. He definitely came out better. And he's half-naked. Upper half, sorry. >>;
And again, my sincerest apologies for Jack's clothing and lower body. *headdesk*
Lastly, I apologise if it's super-saturated on your monitor. It looks fine on both of mine, but they're LCD,
not CRT or glossy. If it looks awful, let me know and I'll mess with the saturation and reupload.
I do hope it brings a small measure of yay into your lives.