Vexations by
admiral_chowder - Pullings/Jack, R
Perfect by
alltoseek - G
Bravery Be Thy Choice by
artyartie - Calamy/Blakeney, PG-13
Enemies of the Night by
ashley_pitt - PG-13
Adagio by
astolat - Jack/Stephen, NC-17
Played in Tune by
astolat - Jack/Stephen, PG
The Smoke Caught the Streets by
little_doctor and
allegro_mnt - Jack/Stephen, R
Cormorant by
autiotalo - G
Lost, A Recollected Embrace, Blue Muse by
patterns_rhyme - Jack/Stephen, PG-13
Tell Me by
patterns_rhyme - Jack/Stephen, PG-13
1805 Logbook of the HMS Surprise by
bookchan - G
Measured by
broadwriting - G
Seashell by
cagedwriter61 - Jack/Stephen, PG
Like True British Sailors by
captain_elessar - PG
The Isle is Full of Noises by
communicator - Jack/Stephen, R
Nautical and Fascinating: 25 Drabbles by
cruisedirector - Jack/Stephen, PG
Admiration by
cruisedirector and
ashinae - Jack/Stephen, R
Honey by
cruisedirector and
ashinae - Jack/Stephen, NC-17
Reverie by
cruisedirector - Jack/Stephen, NC-17
Surprise by
cruisedirector - Jack/Stephen, PG
Nesting Place by
destina - G
Away from Prying Eyes by
dreamplum - Jack/Stephen, PG
Albatross and sequel
Blood on the Moon by Dru - PG
In the Quiet of the Morning by
eglantine_br - G
A Difference of Opinion by
esteven - Jack/Stephen, PG
A Ship Comes Sailing by
esteven - Surprise, G
After Dinner: Ch 1,
Ch 2 by
esteven - Jack/Stephen, NC-17
Stormy Night by
esteven - Jack/Stephen, PG-13
Surprise! by
esteven - Jack, Surprise, G
Partners by
feline_artistry - G
Thoughts of the Accused by
frannie814 - PG
J/S Drabble by
ima_pseudonym - Jack/Stephen, PG-13
Snowfall by
ink_splashes - marines, G
Waiting by
ink_splashes - marines, G
Happy Christmas by
jestana - Pullings/Mowett, PG
Jolly Boat by
jestana - PG
Prizes over Discovery: Ch
6 by
keiko_kirin - Jack/Stephen, NC-17
On Deck at Midnight by kiltsandlollies
Rush by kiltsandlollies
For the Future by
mandcphreak - Calamy/Blakeney, PG
Other Ways of Speaking by
mandcphreak - Calamy/Blakeney, PG
Perceptions by
missizzy - G
Elsewhere by
muccamukk - PG
And the Winner Is… by
mylodon - Mowett/Pullings, G
A Question of Instrument and "
Acheron by
pentimento - Pullings/Devigny, PG
A Physical Gentleman by
pentimento - Stephen/Pullings, PG
Concealed Weapons by
pentimento - Pullings/Devigny, PG
The Great Victory by
pentimento - PG-13
None So Blind by
pun - Jack/Stephen, NC-17
Cat o’ Nine Tails by
rahalia_cat - Jack/Stephen, NC-17
Not Right at All by
rahalia_cat - PG
The Land Between by Renne - Jack/Stephen, PG-13
Master and Commander Parody Script by
Sahari - G
The Lord Loveth a Cheerful Giver by
sassysailorgirl - Jack/Stephen, G
Devil’s Deal by
scribblinlenore - Jack/Stephen, R
Adieux by
seascribe - Warley/Nagle, PG
Per Mare Per Terram by
sharpiefan - G
Right and Proper by
sparowe - PG
Wounded by
sparowe - G
Music Lover by
squeeful - PG
The Birds and the Bees by
sweetsorcery - Jack/Stephen, PG-13
Everything by
sweetsorcery - PG
The Ship and the Crew by
talayse - PG
Consider it Medicinal by
thefannishwaldo - PG
To Be, or Not To Be by Waldo - Jack/Stephen, R
Broken Chord: Prologue,
Ch 2 by
venetian_mask22 - G
Con Amore:
Kindness by
zasja - Jack/Stephen, Blakeney/Calamy, PG-13
Safe Ashore by
zhian-tara - Jack/Stephen, PG
Missing in Action:
Expectations by
sazzlette - Jack/Pullings, PG