How To Save a Life by
alltoseek - G
At the Grapes and
Later by
ashley_pitt - Jack/Stephen, R
Blood and
Later That Day by
ashley_pitt - Jack/Stephen, PG
The Tambourine Dove by
CagedWriter61 - Jack/Stephen, PG
Mihi Dic:
Ch. 1,
4 by
captain_corky - G
Don't Ask, Don't Tell (PG-13) and
That Untravell'd World by
feroxargentea - Jack/Stephen NC-17
On the Identification of Weeds by
feroxargentea - G
Angel Wife by
hyel - Jack/Sophie, PG
here by
insidian - G
Tidings of Comfort and Joy by
marginalia - Jack/Stephen, PG-13
How a Ship Navigates the Ocean by misspamela - Jack/Stephen, G
A Friendship Dissected: Divergent Paths by
ozfille - Stephen/Jack, NC-17
Of Men I Have Known by
ozfille - G
Back to Our Own Captain by
renaiya880727 - PG
Chasing a Dream by
renaiya880727 - PG
Love and Marriage by
renaiya880727 - R
A Pugil by
renaiya880727 - G
"En Famille" and "A Deux" by
sidlj - Jack, Stephen, PG-13
"Sophie's Secret" and "Sophie's Secret Obsession" (PG) and
Sophie's Lee Shore by
sidlj - Jack, Stephen, Sophie, R
Nothing Is Lost by
takadainmate - Jack, Stephen, Sophie, G
Kissing the Messenger by
timothy_quinn - Jack/Stephen, R
The Broken Lock by
unsentimentalf - Jack, Stephen, PG-13
Untitled by
ylla - Jack, Stephen, PG