Would u like a wonton?

Dec 25, 2005 14:10

So! last nite was my first catering job in a full fleged uniform with name tags and everything. Was it fun? ha! no! was it worth it? I guess you could say that. It was a party in an old couple's house with a bunch of old people. We made a lot of food and junk... but the people mostly drank wine and stuff. I had to run up and down the stairs bringing coats and my sister hid in the basement putting food in the oven to keep it hot. We got to the house around 6 to set up and the party started at 8. People didn't actually start coming till nine. By 10 the house was crowded. Apparently there were 150 guests invited. Some lady asked me how old I was and was like "wow! I would have thought u were a lot older. You're very mature for you age." Thanks lady, but I'm trying to be a kid as long as possible. The party felt xtra long, and people were smoking. Not exactly my cup of tea. Around 1230, we cleaned up and left. The old couple gave us some desserts before we left. We left around 120 and got home about... 3? We're baking cookies and such today, and I have to pack still. SO.. see u all tomorrow at 9!!!!!!
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