Feb 23, 2007 09:52
emmiesan42: Hey have you talk to tim lately?
micro x sheep: yes
emmiesan42: Do you still have his things?
micro x sheep: yes
emmiesan42: Ok cool thanks. He has been wanting to get his things for a while now.
micro x sheep: isnt that his problem to deal with?
emmiesan42: Yeah but tim is my boyfriend. I look out for him.
micro x sheep: he is not
emmiesan42: Yeah he is sweetie.
micro x sheep: well, not according to him
micro x sheep: and even if her were who wants their mommy to be their girlfriend?
micro x sheep: who*
emmiesan42: He is playing you.
micro x sheep: he's not doing anything to me
emmiesan42: I just talked to him.
micro x sheep: i know
micro x sheep: look
emmiesan42: He told me you sucked at sex
micro x sheep: ok
emmiesan42: Lol
emmiesan42: That why he came back
micro x sheep: thats silly
emmiesan42: You throw yourself on him
emmiesan42: What a slut
micro x sheep: no i dont
micro x sheep: seriously, if you're trying to mess up his dating life you're talking to the wrong girl
micro x sheep: tim and i joke, and that's about it
emmiesan42: He said it not me
micro x sheep: no, thats fine. he's entitled to his opinion
micro x sheep: i could care less
micro x sheep: but there's still nothing between us
emmiesan42: I know
micro x sheep: so why are you talking to me?
emmiesan42: To get his things
micro x sheep: you cant do that
micro x sheep: im not giving his things to his crazy ex
micro x sheep: i dont hate the kid, after all
emmiesan42: Lol
emmiesan42: You should after all the bad things he said about you.
micro x sheep: thats silly. he's never been mean to me to my face; he has no reason to say anything behind my back
micro x sheep: keep tryin'
emmiesan42: You dont have to believe me!
micro x sheep: good
emmiesan42: Im not lying have no reason to.
emmiesan42: Ask him yourself.
emmiesan42: He also said you were fat.
micro x sheep: he's right
emmiesan42: He said he wish he would have never slept with you.
micro x sheep: well he did
micro x sheep: so much for that
emmiesan42: I know
emmiesan42: Lol
emmiesan42: Im not trying to be mean. I just dont want you to wind up hurt.
micro x sheep: thats impossible because there's nothing going on between us
emmiesan42: Girl are supposed to look out for each other.
emmiesan42: Thats fine
emmiesan42: But you never know
micro x sheep: i do
emmiesan42: Ok
emmiesan42: Im just really confused. I cant expect you to understand.
micro x sheep: i wouldnt want to anyway
emmiesan42: Lol
micro x sheep: i think half of those i actually agreed to
CrellMosetArisen: which half
CrellMosetArisen: first half or the second half
micro x sheep: no they were all mixed up
CrellMosetArisen: nope, gotta pick, first half or second half, which one do you want
micro x sheep: no way
CrellMosetArisen: come on!
CrellMosetArisen: pick!
micro x sheep: no
CrellMosetArisen: if you like me, you'll pick
micro x sheep: stop that
CrellMosetArisen: pick
micro x sheep: no
CrellMosetArisen: yes
CrellMosetArisen: pick
micro x sheep: no
CrellMosetArisen: then I don't think we should talk anymore
CrellMosetArisen: if you're going to be so resistant to doing something as stupid as this
CrellMosetArisen: we're never going to be able to get along on more serious issues
micro x sheep: i just dont want to commit to something i wont necess. follow up on
CrellMosetArisen: no, you instinctively say no to anything I ask you to do
CrellMosetArisen: because you're trying to assert yourself with me
micro x sheep: thats silly
CrellMosetArisen: yeah, well, you're the one doing it
CrellMosetArisen: and you always do it
CrellMosetArisen: and it's gonna make it impossible to have any kind of relationship
CrellMosetArisen: so, if you can't get over it, I think we should stop talking
micro x sheep: you're always ordering me around
CrellMosetArisen: no, I'm not - that's the point, you just think I am
CrellMosetArisen: you're resistant to anything that can even be remotely seen that way
CrellMosetArisen: like you need to assert some kind of dominance over me so that you won't get hurt again
CrellMosetArisen: I don't care what the psychological reason is behind it - it makes you seem aggressive and belligerent
micro x sheep: you just gave me two options and told me to pick one. thats clearly an order
CrellMosetArisen: that's not an order
CrellMosetArisen: it's like saying
CrellMosetArisen: "We can eat here or there, pick one."
CrellMosetArisen: I'm not asking you to choose who lives or who dies
CrellMosetArisen: it's a stupid little internet game
CrellMosetArisen: and it was supposed to lead to cute results
CrellMosetArisen: and you instinctively flip your shit
CrellMosetArisen: I WILL NOT PICK.
CrellMosetArisen: which is absolutely retarded
CrellMosetArisen: and you do it with everything, this isn't the first time
CrellMosetArisen: but it's gonna be the last, unless you agree to try and change some shit
micro x sheep: my shit is very much right side up
micro x sheep: there was no flipping involved
CrellMosetArisen: so you're not going to try and be less aggressive
micro x sheep: i am less aggressive
micro x sheep: but i dont respond well to being ordered around
CrellMosetArisen: you don't respond well to anything I say
micro x sheep: which you consistantly do
CrellMosetArisen: and it's gonna change, or we're gonna stop talking, because I'm tired of it
micro x sheep: no, we had a good conversation yesterday
CrellMosetArisen: no, we didn't
micro x sheep: and i enjoyed it
micro x sheep: between fights
CrellMosetArisen: you don't understand
CrellMosetArisen: this isn't gonna work, and you don't care to even try
CrellMosetArisen: so I'm not even gonna bother anymore
CrellMosetArisen: sorry for thinking you were serious about it and for wasting your time
micro x sheep: fine
CrellMosetArisen: this time, I'll remember very clearly when we stopped talking
CrellMosetArisen: because this time, I know for certain it was your fault
micro x sheep: thats fine
CrellMosetArisen: and the saddest part of all is that you didn't even care to try and fix it
CrellMosetArisen: isn't that sad?
micro x sheep: itll just happen again. arguments that last for days exhaust me
CrellMosetArisen: then you obviously have no faith in your ability to be mature, and that's a different problem entirely
micro x sheep: maybe
CrellMosetArisen: and you have no desire to change it
micro x sheep: dont tell me about myself
CrellMosetArisen: just did
CrellMosetArisen: you either can't, or have no desire to
CrellMosetArisen: there's no third option, unless you're just a fucking liar, which I don't suppose I'd put past you at this point
micro x sheep: look
micro x sheep: i'm learning a lot right now
micro x sheep: i dont have time to deal with someone who wants to fight everyday
micro x sheep: i'm not in high school anymore
CrellMosetArisen: you think I want to fight?
micro x sheep: yes
micro x sheep: constantly
micro x sheep: so if it seems like i dont care, in a way i don't
micro x sheep: i dont care to fight at all
CrellMosetArisen: and yeah, I'm still in high school
CrellMosetArisen: no, you don't care to fight, but you also don't care to change
CrellMosetArisen: so don't lie to me, and tell me you're interested in things, if you aren't going to do anything to pave over the potholes
micro x sheep: k
CrellMosetArisen: tell me you're not interested, and that you were lying before when you said you were
micro x sheep: i thought i was
CrellMosetArisen: and now you realize you're not
CrellMosetArisen: because you're not willing to change
micro x sheep: yup. its all me
CrellMosetArisen: I never said it was - I have problems too, but you never ask me to work on anything. I was trying to develop a dialogue, and sometimes it comes in the form of fights. But you do things that piss me off, and then don't wanna talk about them. Which means to me, you don't want to fix them, a clear indication you couldn't give two shits about me.
CrellMosetArisen: so no, the inherent problems aren't all yours
CrellMosetArisen: the refusal to fix them though, is 100% you
CrellMosetArisen: haha, you can't even discuss your inability to discuss things
CrellMosetArisen: how pathetic
micro x sheep: um-hmm
CrellMosetArisen: are we done? I can't stand such apathy in another human being
micro x sheep: weve been done for a while
CrellMosetArisen: no, you have
CrellMosetArisen: maybe you should IM me one day when you grow up and recognize the difference between dealing with your problems and fighting
CrellMosetArisen: because you sure aren't out of high school yet
micro x sheep: ok
CrellMosetArisen: bye
CrellMosetArisen signed off at 11:41:52 PM.