Mar 22, 2005 00:18
- Current Clothes:An Akron U tee, and a pair of yellow pj pants
- Current Mood: tired
- Current Music: She will be loved, Maroon5
- Current Taste: French Fries
- Current Make-up: none
- Current Hair:OMG
- Current Smell: Coconut
- Current thing I ought to be doing: SlEePiNg!!
- Current Desktop Picture: The green windows background
- Current Favorite Artist: Claude Monet, i dont know why
- Current Favorite Group: All time fave? Probably spindoctors ;)
- Current Book: all of the harry potter books
- Current CD in CD Player: a mix
- Current tape in VCR: twister
- Current Color Of Toenails: hot pink
- Current Refreshment:pepsi (ooPs!)
- Current Worry: If tom will feel better in the morning
- You Touched: tom
- You Talked to: my mom
- You Hugged: my grandma
- You Instant messaged: uggg probably tom
- You Yelled At: my brother
- You Kissed: tom
[ WH0 D0 Y0U WANT T0 .. ]
- Kill: Nicole ritchie
- Slap: Missy, for moving to p-burgh
- Get High With: I'll pass
- Tickle: to-mas
- Look Like: jessica simpson
- Talk To Offline: tom
- Been kissed?: yeah
- Done Drugs? never
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos? ick
- Been on stage? yeppers
- Dumped Someone? yeah
- Gotten in a car accident? yeah
- Been in love? I am now
[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
-Coffee or hot chocolate? hot chocolate
-big or little? little
-Lace or satin? satin
-New or old? old
-Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? ew neither
-Vogue or Cosmopolitan? Cosmo
-Jeans or cords? jeans
-Sweater or sweatshirt? sweatshirt.
-T-shirt or tank top? tshirt. . im fat
-Skirt or dress? omg a skirt
-Wool or cotton? cotton
-Rose or Lily? Rose
-Oldies or pop? Oldies
-Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yeah
-Do you have a best friend? yeah since like 6grade
[ iN THE LAST 24 H0URS, HAVE Y0U .. ]
- Cried? no
- Helped someone? yes
- Bought something? yes
- Gotten sick? im startin to feel it
- Gone to the movies? no
- Gone out for dinner? does lunch kinda count
- Said "I love you"? yeah
- Written a real letter? no
- Moved on? no
- Talked to an ex? no
- Missed an ex? no
- Talked to someone you have a crush on? tom?
- Had a serious talk? yeah
- Missed someone? yea
- Hugged someone? yes
- Fought with your parents? no
- Fought with a friend? no
[D0 Y0U .. ]
- Wear eye shadow? yes
- Put on a "front"? haha no
- Have a crush on someone? no
- Eat with your mouth open? ew no
- If you got a tattoo, where would you get it? on my back
- What color is your floor/carpet in your room? blueish
- What was the last CD you bought? i dont remember
- How did you spend last summer? working at the turnpike
- When's the last time you showered? yesterday. . ughh
- Are you lonely? no
- Are you happy? im tired. . .im not happy
- Are you wearing pajamas? yeah
- Are you talking to someone online? yeha
- Your life? Its kinda on hold right now, until i leave
- This survey?:. . . .
- Your friends? love em
- Your family? hate em .. haah
- Your worst enemy? i dont have any
- Your bf/gf/crush's ex? I dont know them
- Your bf/gf/crush? Hes the best ever
- Yourself? Ew, im fat