(no subject)

May 20, 2005 12:54

yeah, today sucks.
alarm woke me up at 6:30, and I decided I wasn't going to school.
mom came in my room at around 7:15 and I told her I wasn't going.  Then I went back to bed.
Sometime while I was sleeping I woke up because my parents were screaming at eachother.  I'm so fucking sick of that.  gosh.  just kill me now.
Woke up at 10 and felt like shit, so I took some medicine.  I was supposed to take it last night too, but I did't. If I would of I wouldn't be feeling so bad right now.
I had a poptart and went on the computer.
At around 11 I started walking around because I couldn't stay sitting anymore.  I can barely walk because my stomach and legs are so sore.  I don't really know why they are, maybe from the medicine.
Anyways,  I was listening to 96.3 or something and when an Ashlee Simpson song came on I puked. I don't think it was because of the song, but I just thought that was pretty strange.
Then I looked at my phone and saw that Lizzybeth had called me.  So, I called her back and talked for a few minutes.  She's sick too =(  Stupid track meet.
After we got off of the phone, I tried to sleep. 
But I couldn't because I was like having panic attacks and couldn't stay still.
So I gave up on trying to sleep, and then tried to walk around some more, but it hurt my legs too much and I started to get dizzy/a headace.
So I went on the computer for a few minutes, and then started feeling a little better.
So I went in my room and tried to bring the playstation2 in the basement, but I only got half way down the first flight of stairs.  So my mother had to put it down there.
Now I'm on the computer, listening to music, and my mother just left again.
I'm probally not going to do anything for the rest of the day, so yeah, this blows..

Have You Ever
() been drunk
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
() kissed a member of the same sex
() crashed a friend's car
() crashed your car
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been dumped
() shoplifted
() been fired
(x) been in a fist fight
() snuck out of my parent's house
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
() been arrested
() kissed a stranger
() stole something from my job
() gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
() had a crush on a teacher
(x) skipped school
() slept with a co-worker
() cut myself on purpose
(x) seen someone die
(x) slapped someone
() driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival
(x) been to canada
(x) been to mexico
() been to japan
() been to africa
(x) flown on a plane
() thrown up in a bar
() purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) been snowboarding
(x) met someone in person from the internet
(x) moshed at a concert
() been in an abusive relationship
() been pregnant/got someone pregnant
() gone to college
() graduated college
() tried killing yourself
(x) taken painkillers
(x) love someone or miss someone right now
() went to a prom
() bungee jumped
() dated someone for a year
() been in a car accident
() slept in the nude
(x) hated someone without knowing them
() shot a real gun
() had sex with someone within a week of meeting them
() made out with someone within a week of meeting them
() been caught smoking
() done any kind of illegal drug
() got in a verbal fight with a teacher
() threw a party at a friend's house while they were gone
() fooled around with a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend
() fooled around with a boyfriend/girlfriend's sibling
() dated someone older than you
() gotten in trouble with the cops
(x) ran away
() given somone a hicky
() gotten a hicky
(x) gone skinny dipping
(x) lied about where you were going
(x) lied about your age
(x) been "pantsed"
(x) flashed/mooned someone
() had mono
() beer bonged
() been in a physical fight with a parent

First Best Friend: Melinda or Ryan

First screen name: mandaspice22
First self purchased album: spice girls most likely
First funeral: Grandpa Adam's
First pets: If you don't count my sister's goldfish (Sunshine), then Bambi (the rabbit)
First piercing/tattoo: 1st hole (ears) 3rd grade
First true love: uuuuhh eric
First enemy: Diana Marcus.. haha
First big trip: California when I was 4.
First music you remember: Shoooo bop? or something like that.. lol


Last cigarett: never
Last car ride: on the way home from the track meet.
Last good cry: The past 6 months, since I've found out everything about my parents/family.
Last movie seen: 1/2 of House of 1000 Corpses.
Last beverage drank: milk
Last food consumed: poptart
Last crush: Thomas
Last phone call: Lizzybeth
Last time showered: last night
Last shoes worn: track spikes
Last item bought: Shoe Laces for Lizzybeth
Last annoyance: cosmo
Last time wanting to die: an hour ago?
Last time scolded: yesterday morning.

r e l a t i o n s h i p s

01. who are your best friends? Stacey, Lizzybeth, Cara
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes

s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? nope
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? garnier frutice
03. what are you most scared of? i always used to say divorce, but now I guess I'll have to say being alone. forever.

04. what are you listening to right now? 89X
05. who is the last person that called you? Lizzybeth
06. where do you want to get married? somewhere nice?
07. how many buddies are online right now? 34 because everyone's at school.
08. what would you change about yourself? my nose..

f a v o r i t e s

01. color: blue and green

02. food: chicken fajitas from mexican village
03. boy name: xavier

04. girl name: lilly.. i liked it when i was little atleast.
05. subjects in school: math
06. animals: umm.. dolphins or whales.. lol
07. sports: skiing
08. perfume: love spell
09. cologne: axe

h a v e | y o u | e v e r

01. given anyone a bath? yes
02. smoked? nope
03. bungee jumped? almost did in Fort Lauderdale, but it was closed, due to people dying.. lol
04. made yourself throw up? yes
05. skinny dipped? yeah, who hasnt?
06: ever been in love? yes
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yes
08. pictured your crush naked? duh
09. actually seen your crush naked? nope
10. cried when someone died? psh all of the time, even if i don't know who they are.
11. lied: yes
12. fallen for your best friend? no
13. been rejected? yes
14. rejected someone? yes

15. used someone? yes
16. done something you regret? yyyeah

c u r r e n t
clothes: pajama pants, Blue Vipers tshirt from 7th grade, and MJH cheer hoodie.
music: screamo, punk, ect.
smell: nothing, i can't smell right now.
favorite artist: singer - jewel

favorite group: as of right now, A Static Lullaby

desktop picture: Stacey's fucking awesome mean cloud picture.
cd in player: The Used

l a s t | p e r s o n

you touched: my mom? lol
you hugged: nicoooleeee
you imed: andrew IMed me, but I was away.
you kissed: Thomas

a r e | y o u

understanding: yes
open-minded: sometimes
arrogant: sometimes
interesting: i guess so.
hungry: no, not right now
smart: yes
moody: ..yyyyyyeeeeessssssss
hardworking: most of the time
organized: NO
healthy: sometimes

shy: yeah, unless I'm with my friends
attractive: yes, i guess so
bored easily: especially in english, history, science, ect.
responsible: yes

obsessed: yeah, sometimes
angry: I'm dealing with it.
sad: kind of
dissapointed: a little
happy: only because of the song i'm listening to, i havent heard it for yeaars.
hyper: nope, not at all
trusting: yes
talkative: only sometimes
legal: no

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a

kill: KILL BILL! lol
slap: hmm
get high with: stacey, because she put me lol
look like: idk
talk to offline: stacey and thomas
talk to online: anyone

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r

coke or pepsi: pepsi
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: tall

r a n d o m

what do you notice first: eyes
last person you slow danced with: i don't even remember.
worst question to ask: who would you rather be with...
who makes you laugh the most: Stacey, DUH
who makes you smile: thomas, my friends, summer.
who do you have a crush on: thomas?
who has a crush on you: ?

n u m b e r

of times i have had my heart broken: 3 or 4.
of hearts i have broken: i'm not sure
of girls i've kissed: 0
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: 10-15
of cds i own: over 50.
of scars on my body: too many to count

f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s

01. gold or silver: silver
02. what was the last film you saw at the movies: The Ring 2, with Stacey
03. favorite cartoon/anime: POKEMON! lol no
04. what did you have for breakfast this morning: poptart
05. who would you love being locked in a room with: thomas, duh
06. could you live without your computer: I would learn to
07. would you color your hair: uuummm yyyeahhhhh
08. could you ever get off the computer: yeah
09. habla espanol: yes.. mis testículos se pegan debajo semi de una rueda (my testicles are stuck under a semi wheel) lmfao Stacey
10. how many people: ....what
11. drink alcohol: not usually.

12. like watching sunrises or sunsets: sunsets, yes
13. what hurts the most: being alone (emotionally) or hurt (emotionally)
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