Jun 22, 2015 23:24
I watched a movie about the famous actress Frances Farmer who was institutionalized for being too difficult as a woman and was horribly mistreated and raped in an asylum.
It is a good thing to remember that for all the modern ages short comings things like that can't happen again.
For instance, my ancestors were Italian Anarchists from New York and I know Italian Anarchists in the 20s,30s, and 40s, were jailed on false charges all the time.
Now, the new punishment is alienation and not fitting in and just being left alone but isolated.
Also though, dissidents are jailed for petty things and kept on a leash by being permanently a member of the penal system. People are on probation constantly. A full percent of the US population is in jail.
Though it is more socially acceptable to have been in jail now than it was in the 30s.