(no subject)

Jun 18, 2015 21:12

The call center keeps having people quit and then hiring more people. It is stressing me out that there are always new people there and it is always so crowded now. Some lady that's worked there since last year told me to quit being as productive so we can all get more hours. I sort of made it sound like I would, because I do hate that there are all these new people and they do cut into our hours, but I keep getting called to go there each year because I get the second most of everyone and double or triple what the average person is doing.

I am trying hard to cut down on cheating on surveys. It is difficult for me to do. I get a rush of adrenaline when someone says they want to do it after I have dialed for like an hour and no one has said they wanted to do it. So, I can make them fit the survey. I'm way better at not cheating than I used to be, which I guess is what they're letting me know that they want accuracy has done.

Still, if you had seen how impossible it was to get people to finish some of the surveys we have done, you'd say it was understandable to cheat to get people finished with them. We had some surveys where we had to get people to stay on the phone for nearly 10 minutes. I'd skip a bunch of questions and get it done in like six and a half. 
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