I am in the process of rounding out an art project in need of international support!
the latest layer to evolve out of a dip into political art has manifested on www.elizabetelliott.com. the project is called "Post-Modern Political Prayer Cards: Postcards from the Edge of the Global Culture of Capitalism"
i am auctioning off a body of work that i organized for a brief on politics, but much of the work is conceptual commentary on the art market itself as much as capitalism. id really like it if you have time to check it out to send me feedback and ideas!
these works were done in conjunction with a set of
zsa zsa for scale
they are roughly 8x4foot each.
The project of course does not end with me so all feedback is essential! im happy to answer questions as well where my motives or choices seem unclear.
a warning: i am working with loaded imagery and some of the outcomes include possibly offencive material. if you are concerned please email me and i will try to give you a better idea about what the offence might be.
Please forward this link to anyone you think might be interested in contemp. art, politics, or religion.
thank you thankyou thank youplease!