Ear Lowering

Jan 18, 2006 20:19

Ok, I have figured out one of the many facets of my quirkiness: the hair.

Every time I start a new "romantic" chapter in my life, I get a haircut.

after Boy #1 freshman year, I went from the all one length look to layers. BIG STEP.

After Boy #2 I opted for the thinned look... I finally did away with my poofiness.

After each episode with Boy #3 i hacked off more and more, until finally after 19 months at the beginning of August, my hair was grazing the bottom of my chin...an all-time high.

Now, after a dance disaster and three months of coulda-woulda-shoulda with Boy #4, I have cut it once again in an effort to start anew.

So now everytime I get a drastic haircut, ask for my number, cause I'm probably feeling desperate and available ;)

Just kidding.

But you can if you want...
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