(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 15:23

I thought it was about time that I made a new live journal! Yay! Anyways, today was an alright day, I had the hardest time getting up this morning. I kept hitting my snooze button and that made me late for class. In Womens Studies we watched a ten minute video of a woman getting dressed. I dont know why. It really didnt have anything to do with the class, my teacher just said it was for fun. Maybe the guys liked it, who knows. At lunch I had really good pasta and I kept saying I love meatballs and cookies! I am kind of in a wierd mood today I think. Anyways after that, I had an exam in Bio which I am so afriad that I failed, I studied forever, I really did, but I realized that I do bad on tests. Like I know the material but when I see the test I freak out and my mind goes blank. After class I met Jen at the Bursers office to get a notary to sign my form for living on South Campus Commons! Tereasa said we will have to know if we want to live there in like two weeks. It is crazy. The commons are like apartments, I think we need one more person to live there with us though cuz it is supposed to be 4 people. Hopefully we can get our forms in on time, but if not I wouldnt mind living just living on campus in a dorm again. On the way back from class Jen and I disgussed the retarded ways of how colleges make you take pointless classes that have nothing to do with your major and we talked about why tests are unnecessary. I would be happy if I never had to take another test again! I dont want to do any homework tonight, I feel like just sleeping until ten thirty then calling TJ. That is kind of the thing I look forward to at the end of the day is being able to talk to him. This weekend we are supposed to go Ice Skating.
well I am out, I think I want to take a nap!
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