Sep 15, 2003 16:38
Isn't it strange how on occasion we reflect about what has happened in the last (place a time span here) and try to see what we should compare it to. Perhaps I am the only one who does this I do not know but I do know that in the last year I have moved. I am a little older and perhaps a little wiser but other than that nothing has changed.
I may have come full circle in some respects, but I don't think so. I have nothing new to report about the happening of my life.
I think it is time for me to move somewhere else. I am no longer productively growing in the environment here and it is making me crazy. Not to mention the fact that I have not been intimate with anyone in... lets just say way the f too long.
I have tried other avenues to meet interesting people has friends or lovers and nothing seems to work. I already work hard enough trying to convince myself that I am a person worthy of others love but as of late I am having a hard time believing it. I am sick of being blown off by people who say they are my friends I am sick of being taken for granted as always coming through for others. Don't get me wrong I am always glad to be there for someone else but once just once I would like someone else to be there for me.
Ok that was a total spewing of frustrating feelings that had no real rhyme or reason. End conclusion: time to move and find new places to meet people who are more like me, really.