two - steps towards redemption

Nov 25, 2012 14:56

[The general is sitting against a brick wall of a warehouse, his fingers steeped together after he has turned the video on. He is quiet for a long moment, before he finally spoke, his voice soft ( Read more... )


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unbreakablelion November 26 2012, 00:07:14 UTC
Seems to be quite the death toll adding up around 'ere. Funny thing is, seems to be the folks that seemed decent doing the killing.


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 01:26:51 UTC
I am still decent, Gene. These individuals were minions of Sam Winchester's and Gabriel's. Demons. I have cleansed their stench from your home. And I will kill many more demons - entire armies if I must - to stay the course and put the focus back on solving the problems at hand.

Namely, the Serpent and returning Dean and Sam's souls to them, as intact as I can make them.


unbreakablelion November 26 2012, 02:03:56 UTC
Would it not make more sense to go straight for the Serpent? Behead the bastard thing and the rest will wither with it...


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 02:06:42 UTC
[The General nods his head once, with appreciation. He is glad Gene has moved right onto planning.]

First we must find the Serpent, to behead it. The best way to do that is to find it's body, it's followers.


unbreakablelion November 26 2012, 02:12:02 UTC
[ Comes with the territory of being a copper... ]

... Suppose that makes sense. That where the interior decorating with corpses comes in then?


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 02:15:14 UTC
[He understands all about being a copper - or rather - a military commander.]

Yes. An object lesson. One we must teach the Serpent.


unbreakablelion November 26 2012, 02:16:24 UTC
An' you can be 100% certain no innocent folk are getting mixed up in this, eh?


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 02:23:15 UTC
I wish I could promise complete certainty -- but I am not my Father. I promise only this - I am doing everything in my power to prevent it.


unbreakablelion November 26 2012, 02:47:47 UTC
As long as you realise that as soon as any innocents get involved I will 'ave to step in an' stop you...


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 02:58:21 UTC
I understand, and I respect your decision. Even if I may have to stand against you for the good of all.


unbreakablelion November 26 2012, 03:18:25 UTC
Well, I'm a copper, putting the innocent folk first is what I do.


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 03:21:54 UTC
I am a General of Heaven. It is also my job, and my duty.


unbreakablelion November 26 2012, 03:29:11 UTC
[ Rub it in, Cas, why don't you? With your awesome angel mojo and smiting powers. ]

Glad to hear that.


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 03:40:29 UTC
[Why yes he will, Gene. Just not outloud. In his head, though, he totally is.]

Now - what can you tell me of your own investigations?


unbreakablelion November 26 2012, 03:46:17 UTC
[ Yeah well... just wait until souls need guiding... Gene will totally out-guide you! ]

Me own investigations? Great big steaming pile of nothing. Except I seemed to've misjudged a lot of folk.


dowhatimust November 26 2012, 03:49:29 UTC
[Well, that is ... useful. Especially for the right souls to the right places.]

I do not know what you mean?


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