video | action | alternate universe

Nov 24, 2012 20:47

[Dean is sitting on a crate in a dimly lit warehouse, blood soaking his hands, and splattered over his face. He's got his sleeves rolled up, and a machete in one hand, but he has a little bit of a smirk on his face as he rolls something around under his foot, just out of view of the shot.]So, how about we play a game? Hide and Seek. You all hide, ( Read more... )

dean winchester

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standsfast November 24 2012, 20:59:24 UTC
[ action ]

[ Kaidan's not expecting to find a fight, with what he's seen of this city so far, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Taking his lashes with him is just a precaution, but one he might be thankful for, unaware as he is of the person stalking the city. He should pay more attention to the feed, but in the mood he is, he can't be bothered without getting more agitated at the sheer tedium of it all. ]


likemichael November 24 2012, 21:11:34 UTC
[Dean finds him interesting enough to get in his way, at least from the surface appearances, and he corners him in a quiet street, messing around with his gun as if he needs that to actually hurt anyone anymore.]

You going somewhere?


standsfast November 24 2012, 21:21:17 UTC
[ He stops when the stranger appears in his path, frowning at him, the weapon he's not afraid of displaying. He's not impressed in the least by the display, his expression more irritated than anything. ]

Yeah, I was. So I'd appreciate it if you could step aside.


likemichael November 24 2012, 21:30:32 UTC
I don't think that's gonna happen.

[Dean shrugs, slipping the gun into his waistband and jerking his chin up.] You're gonna have to make me.


standsfast November 26 2012, 14:04:07 UTC
[ That? Gets an irritated sigh. ] Really? That's how you're gonna play it.

[ He's bored, but not bored enough to pick fights with random strangers, especially when they're obviously trying to be annoying on purpose. So Kaidan, not sensing anything out of the norm from this guy besides the gun, is just going to try and shove past him. If that doesn't work, well, his biotics are still limited but he'll use what he can. ]


likemichael November 26 2012, 15:53:22 UTC
Guess so.

[Dean snags him by his arm, his inhuman strength used to fling Kaidan back, towards a wall, his grin a little bit savage as he does it.] Not so fast.


standsfast November 27 2012, 12:13:30 UTC
[ The grab, not to mention Dean's strength, catches him off-guard. He doesn't have much choice but to hit the wall, grunting from the impact, but he doesn't let the surprise show - just focuses a glare on the other instead. Like hell he's taking that sitting down, even if he can't be sure of what he's dealing with, given that display. ]

You think I'm just gonna let you fling me around for fun, you're sorely mistaken. [ Kaidan brings out the lashes at that, lets them unfurl. He doesn't strike, not yet, but he's more than willing to if Dean tries something again. ] Move.


likemichael November 28 2012, 10:11:23 UTC
[Dean shoves his hands in his pockets, his black eyes following the other man's motions, and a smirk comes as weapons are raised.]

Nah, I think I'll stay. [He shrugs, not making another attack, but grinning.]


standsfast December 2 2012, 18:20:01 UTC
[ He's not attacking, but Kaidan knows the second he tries to move past, he's going to get thrown into another wall. And it irks him that he's being used as entertainment for someone else. So yeah, he's not going to feel guilty for bringing the lashes out.

At least the most he'll try to do with them is get Dean out of the way. He may be Cerberus, and this guy might be irritating, but he's still human. (As far as Kaidan is aware.) So he'll be trying for getting one lash around an arm and pulling him away. ]


likemichael December 2 2012, 19:13:21 UTC
[Dean looks at the lash as it wraps around his arm, his black eyes finding Kaidan and a grin streaking his face.]

Now, I ain't into getting this kind of kinky, especially not with guys, so it's a good idea you let go.


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