007 ✰ Accidental Audio

Nov 22, 2012 22:37

[The audio is full of rustling at first, and a few mumbled curses, including a very sharply barked "Stupid god damn space hamster." then a dull thud is heard. Finally the sound becomes clearer as Shepard acknowledges he has the phone, and his voice is evidently full of sleep and grumpiness, but fondness that is obviously not meant for anyone but the recipient.]

Kaidan, I can't find the shirt I was wearing last night but yours landed on the desk so I'm wearing that. We need to do laundry. If you're shopping pick up something for dinner. And fish food. And hamster food. [Another pause as Shepard shuffles around.] It got out again, I think it's under the bed.

[He curses as he stubs his toes (signalled by another thud), and finally a groan comes as he flops back into bed.] I'm going back to bed. Wake me up when you get back.

[And with that, he's done.]

commander shepard

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