[The flickering static to the feed suggests it's a weak connection -- is that even possible in Mandalus? Or is it that the feed comes from outside the nice little bubble that Mandalus is housed in? Either way, the crackling image is easy enough for anyone to make out. The sounds, the bangs and crashes that sound like drums and thunder, however, are so loud that at first the voice that comes is inaudible and it sounds ragged and loud once the noises have ceased, for a moment.]
Entity, Mother! We need to retreat! I cannot forestall my vis--aaghh! [Praenuntius can be seen as he hits what would appear to be the ground but isn't quite the ground, but he is still awake even if his eyes are wild and vacant.]
Thine death is upon us, oh but Mother Dearest, flee! Flee for your monsters, Mother, flee for thine children, thou art-- nghhh--! [He jerks up violently, trembling through the vision he's still suffering and the angle he holds the device at does not capture his image any longer. Instead, it shows a gargantuan beast, The Serpent but it's face is not it's own. It's face is that of a possibly familiar
being of lore, if any have studied the mythology of the city.
Mother is stood before it, in a form none have seen her in before; monstrous herself, large and terrifying, and yet still recognizable as her, and a short few paces behind her stands the Entity, forever seen in whatever image the beholder sees, male or female it doesn't matter when they fend off the beast itself. Beyond them seems to be nothingness, just space and fog and nothing else, and even the ground they seem to be stood on is covered in a fog so thick their feet cannot be seen. The Serpent writhes and pulses with it's breathing, a hiss rattling out of the masked face that seems offset and agonized.]
NO!! [Praenuntius' voice is ragged even over the sounds of combat but the sight comes anyway as The Serpent unlocks it's jaw in a grotesque manner, long tongue squirming and coiling against the air, and very swiftly it swallows Mother, it's mouth gnashing towards Entity right after.]
Entity, sibling, run! I will hold him off!
[A booming voice over powers Praenuntius' at that moment. It sounds as if it's two voices in one: powerful and demanding, but melodic and gentle. Two opposites all in one, fighting for dominance.]
The bells will toll, darkness has come! The dead shall rise! The monsters shall howl! The nightmares of your mind shall have their prize! Let all of those who reside know the face of their demise. Shelter all that you treasure, for the end is nigh!
[The week signal then cuts.]