005 ✰ video announcement

Oct 06, 2012 19:19

[Commander Shepard is dressed in his N7 armour, without the helmet at least, and he has a somewhat serious look on his face. Behind him is the galaxy map in the Combat Information Center on the Normandy, all lit up and showing a star system that is foreign to him, but apparently surrounds Mandalus. He's been studying it, though he can't exactly get the ship up there for the sake of using it to fight anything off, or even to get home.]

Mandalus, I'm Commander Shepard of the SSV Normandy. I'm sure most of you are still recovering from recent attacks on the city and it's outer-lying regions, and this is why I propose we form a military, of a kind. I'm experienced in gathering well trained soldiers, and those who want to be trained up, and while I have no doubts that there are plenty of you who can fight, I feel we'd do better with a strong military presence in Mandalus.

[He pauses, briefly, to glance off to the side at someone unseen, and then returns his attention to the recording.] I intend to establish a branch of my galaxy's human military -- The Systems Alliance -- only we will be open to any race. I've worked alongside some of the greatest non-human soldiers, technicians, and scientists that anyone could hope to know, and I have no doubt that there are plenty of you in Mandalus who would be great assets to the Alliance.

Any pre-standing ranks will be respected and translated into the equivalent in Alliance ranks, and we intend to train anyone who wants to enlist. Additionally, we'd welcome scientists and technicians who would be willing to aid us. If there are any questions, they can be directed to me, or my fellow Spectre, Major Kaidan Alenko.

[A short nod.] Stay safe, Mandalus. [End transmission.]

commander shepard

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