[ There is definitely a difference in personalities when compared to the first video feed she had posted when she had arrived in Mandalus. Smiling brightly and looking as excited as one can be, Tsubomi was waving to the camera as she addressed everyone cheerfully. ]
Hello everyone! I wanted to let everyone know that if you ever need to order a bouquet of flowers or want to decorate your homes and apartments with flowers, my family's flower shop is here to help you! Hanasaki Flower Shop is open for business and I, Tsubomi, will do everything I can to help you with whatever you need!
[ Clearly she's very proud of these turn of events. Her timid nature from before is gone, at least for now, leaving her to be brimming with happiness and confidence. ]
Oh! And I'll be selling flowers during the festival too! I will accept orders and requests over these devices if you can't come to the shop! And I deliver too!
[ ooc: This is back dated to Tuesday! ]