003 ✰ Flashbacks - action | accidental video

Jul 27, 2012 02:42

[The streets in the Business District are busy as usual, and the presence of a few more children than the day before hasn't stopped Mandalus' citizens from indulging their shopping needs. But this isn't just the place for regular business opportunities or for the wealthy and bored. Not completely fitting in here with their worn out clothes, there are two teenagers, positioned on opposite sides of the street unbeknownst to each other, sizing up the people passing by with calculating looks. They're both trying very consciously not to stand out, and despite their appearance, they manage not to attract too many looks. The shoppers are distracted, and the boys both move quickly, making their ways through the crowds with practised ease. In a place like this, they could probably both make a fortune with pick-pocketting, but just when they both close in on the same distracted man, their plans come to a halt when they spot each other.

It's obvious what's about to happen once they both figure out what the other is doing, and Shepard makes a move, undoubtedly at the same time Kai Leng does. Their mark clearly forgotten, tempers are quick to flare and Shepard snaps out words first.]

Hey, you! Get lost! [A shove comes and the man targeted by them turns quickly as it does. It's about to get messy.

From the corner of his eye, Kai Leng sees the man turn, and knows his chance is lost for good, thanks to that idiot, meddling bastard. He hasn't made much yet, been too busy finding his way around the place, finding potential escape routes and hiding spots in preparation, and now, he's hungry and still out of money. His anger flares up instantly as he stumbles back, too furious to make any attempt to dodge. He doesn't even notice that the other boy is speaking English - something he doesn't speak beyond a few words. But he catches his balance again quickly, and charges forward himself. The boy is quite a bit taller than him, but roughly the same age. Kai Leng puts his whole weight behind the shove this time, just hisses a warning through gritted teeth.]

Fuck off!

[It's then that the fighting escalates, someone's phone knocked to the ground and started up to record the fray. A fist is thrown, Shepard's, aiming for the other boy's face and things aren't showing signs of cooling down anytime. Once the phone is stepped on by one of them, it finally shuts off, but not before recording a large portion of them fighting, and nastily.]

commander shepard, kai leng

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