I read this just after I got back from Japan.
Isaac Asimov's I, Robot: To Protect is by Mickey Zucker Reichert and written as a prequel to all the Robot books by Isaac Asimov. Susan Calvin, the robot psychologist fans would know from the original books, is just starting her medical residency in 2035. She has chosen psychiatry to specialise in and starts work in a hospital, working int the children's unit. We see Susan take on responsibility for 4 difficult cases and quickly make breakthroughs on them. At the same time, she meets a hospital employee who turns out to be an android, indistinguishable from a man. There isn't really much else about robots in this book, apart from nanorobots which are injected in psychiatric patients to take measurements from them. The medical parts of the book were good but really, apart from Susan's name, the story didn't fit into Isaac Asimov's body of work. Susan is portrayed as largely ignorant about robots here but Asimov's books have her already interested as a teenager.