Dec 04, 2004 11:43
bio lab was the worst yesterday. My professor, Dr. Baker, refuses to wear gloves, and as we were going over the arteries and main veins (in the SAME RATS WE USED TWO WEEKS AGO) my partner and i could not locate the pulminary art. Anyways... we called her over, and bere handed she dug right into our rat, getting crap all over her fingers... it was nasty. The worst part was when she found it, she pointed to it and said, "what is this?" when i answered she took the same hand that she had been digging in the rat with and patted me on the back and said GOOD JOB AMANDA... i seriously almost flipped out. I was like DO NOT TOUCH ME...I WEAR GLOVES FOR A FREAKIN REASON!!! anyways... then she felt the need to smear rat juice all over my book while flipping through the pages... i cant stand that lady... and needless to say, i did not have a good lab day
Yesterday work was good, we had a litter of extremely cute, little fluffy puppies come in. I love it when puppies come in...
I had a really bad allergy attack yesterday, and stayed home because of it... i felt like poop, all stuffed up and eyes red and itchy...
Talked to nic off and on last night for what seemed like no time but i guess it was ... because when i got off the phone it was 2:30... He is so amazing... we can carry coversations about nothing, and he can make me smile so much. Also i talked to Megan last night on the phone for a little while... she told me some stuff that made me smile bigger than i ever have before... i dont know her very well, but she seems like an awesome person, and from what i do know i like her alot. Kramar is a lucky man to have someone as sweet as her!
FSU....UF....where to go? i still do not know....
Today i am going to go work on some schoolwork with Chelsea at Panera Bread, and then tonight i get to babysit julia (age 3) and her little brother David Alexander (age 8 weeks) :) Should be lots of fun!
No Elton John tickets, which makes me sad.... couldnt get good seats and i didnt wanna spend alot of money if the seats were gonna be bad... which sucks
6 more days til nic comes home... here is our list of stuff to do so far for when he gets back...
1. Ice-Skating (VERY EXCITED, I have not been in years!)
2. Watch "year without a santa clause"
3. Visit the Sashquash (sp?) Zoo
4. Drink Hot cocoa and be wrapped up in a big blanket outside...on the beach :)
5. I am going to cook him the best birthday dinner in the whole world
6. Read/Watch Riki Tiki Tavi
7. Just nap :)
8. Take lots of pictures
9. Set up a livejournal for nic!!!
......................*these are going to be the best three weeks ever*............................