Gay boyfriend gay boyfriend!

Nov 19, 2004 15:42

Last night was interesting to say the least. I was VERY tired yesterday from not getting much sleep the night before and then I know I failed my two tests miserbly. Didn't get to take a nap. Went out to get mexican food with jackie carlie and jerome. Came home cleaned my room :) Then I went downstairs to my brothers and slept. After twenty minutes I woke up and basically slept walked upstairs and started taking tylenol...and then i was like wait wtf and i doing...LOL...i guess I thought I had a headache...but I was so out of it i didnt realize that i was just dizzy. So anyways I get out of my sleepawalking and go back downstairs and tell bryan jennie and andrew about it. I end up having a glass of my sangria. I felt fabulous. Justin came over and chilled for a bit but he and his roomies were playing Halo. So he leaves and then Bryan and Jennie go out for a smoke. They come back in and Bryan announces that some random asian fellow in the hallway asked if he smoked weed and bryan replied tha the does smoke weed but unfortunatly didnt have the guy gave him some! bryan went to work at making something out of a soda can. Realized it make look a little suspicious if he were standing outside and an R.A. caught andrew drove him to convience store and they go ciggerette paper. Bryan smoked his joint and came back in laughing hysterically. At this point Justin came back and we were all cracking up about it. GOOD see this is the sort of shit that makes my night; the randomness of this place. Today I got food at the commons and picked up some pics from Bo-Nessa from the black and white A.G.D. party. I'm not sure what I am doing tonight.
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