Mar 21, 2004 20:21
well i had already wrote this journal but somehoe it got deleted....danm ill give you the clip notes
it seems that everthing is going wroung for every one...but me
some how this past thursday was an evil day
my friend (who im going to call) "kiki"
made one of the biggest mistakes in her life (and no idea what she was doing) then worst of all
her whole family has turns aginst she comes to me
then all at the same time "pam" and her forever long time relationship broke up (ahhh unbelivable) which was the most shocking news of all
and since i belive that all things happen for a reason and are ment to be i felt that ive learnd a lot about this concept not only did kiki learn that drugs are no good ( even though she wouldnt take my word for it, hey what are you going to do)and for some reason i belive that pams expereince will not only make her stonger but her relationship with her "one" stonger