May 20, 2006 09:29
So I went to the movies after Dad's little league games last night. I thought the movie was great, but if you haven't read the book, you might have a slight problem understanding the plot points. Anna - I have figured out who I get the "talking during movies" gene from...My dad! So last night he was like, so who's that guy? Do they die? What's the albino doing there? etc etc.... I was pretty ticked b/c I got the middle seat, and not Heather, I also got the shaft b/c I had to go order the popcorn and cokes, and carried them to the theater by myself. I have decided though that the Kokomo theater is cool, and cheaper than the one in WL. It was only $7.00 to go to the movie and if you go before 6pm it's only 5.75. So X-Men anyone? Let me know!!! YEAH! Alright that's all for now...later!