Sep 26, 2005 16:45

Yeah, I haven't done this in forever. So pretty much I'm not grounded anymore I don't think. My parents never really told me whether I am or not yet, but they've been letting me drive and go places and stuff. I'm gonna try to come into Oakridge tomorrow Manda, we haven't done anything in a really long time. I miss you!!!! Going to the game Friday, so I'll definitely see you there. Maybe we can do something after youth group or something.
But anyway, these past couple of weeks have been kinda busy for me. I've doing alot. I'm gonna quit Mr.Quick's cause I found another job! Actually its really cool. I'm gonna teach piano. I can set my own hours and everything so that'll be nice. But I already got one student and once I start getting the hang of hit I'm gonna post it up in the elementary that I'm teaching piano. I'm actually really excited. Cause playing the piano is one of my favorite things to do and it really relaxes me. So getting paid to be relaxed, thats pretty cool.
I hate not being able to see Manda and Jen and Randi everyday like we did in the summer. It sucks so bad. I miss talking to you guys, I mean I talk to ya on the phone every once in a while but I'd rather be with you. Manda, I miss those talks we had at the beach. And walking with Jen and Manda. And sitting in Quicks for like 2 hours trying to get to give us his keys with Randi. That was so funny. I really miss you all and just witsh I could go to Oakridge so I could hang out with you guys like we did in the summer. I love the people at Ravenna, but I love you guys so much more! It sucks.

Missing Everyone :(
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