1. Your name spelled backwards. adnama
2. Where were your parents born? Haha, one in Gratiot county, the other in Carson
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? couple songs...
4. What's your favorite restaurant? Mmmm....Olive Garden or PF Changs
5. Last time you swam in a pool? a pool? Weellll almost did a few weeks ago, but other than that, I really can't remember the last time for a pool...
6. Have you ever been in a school play? haha, screw the plays, try musicals....and yes I was
7. How many kids do you want? Bah...kids...maybe 3
8. Type of music you dislike most? screaming hardcore..........I just don't get it
9. Are you registered to vote? yeah yeah
10. Do you have a car? yes
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? yes
12. Ever prank call anybody? lol, are there people who haven't?!
13. Ever get a parking ticket? damn Central
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? bungee jumping.....in October as a matter of fact, sky diving?! anytime somebody wants to go
16. Do you have a garden? mmmm...that would require having a yard, and some sense of responsibility......both which I lack
17. What's the size of your bed? Full.......
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? Yup
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower, usually in the morning, unless I don't have class or work, and then it's definitely during the middle of the day
20. Best Movie You've seen in the Last 4 months? Oh wow...I watched Somebody Like You on Friday...I liked that one, Just Like Heaven was sweet, ummmm.........I seriously have no idea
21. What's the next movie you want to see? Hahaha, Harry Potter! or Elizabethtown.....but that's closer than Harry Potter and I don't want to see that one quite as bad as I want to see Harry Potter
22. Chips or popcorn? blah, no popcorn. Chips
23. Have you ever broken any hearts? Oh yeah....I'm a heartbreaker. Nah, really...just one or two
25. Are you a good cook? Some days
26. Orange or Apple juice? Blah on Apple juice, Orange Juice is the way to go
28. Favorite type of drink? I'm really a fan of Diet Pepsi with Cherry......although I'll take water anytime....as for alcoholic? Daquaris with Sar, tequila with the roomates...it's all good.
29. Best thing in the world? Aaahh we're really not going to get into this...
30. Have you ever broken a bone? Can't say that I have.....thats even with me being a huge klutz.....
31. Have you ever won a trophy? Trophy? Softball back in the day; tennis it was all about the medals
32. What is your favorite board game? Haha..monopoly..I love that damn game
33. What is your dream car? That would be a Pontiac Solstice or a Chrylser Crossfire....
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? no........though I would love to sometime; I believe that everybody needs to experience this
35. Coke or Pepsi? Oh Lord.....Regular Coke, Diet Pepsi....of course, if you're going for Cherry..you have to go Cherry Pepsi, because it just tastes better than that stuff that they call Cherry Coke
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Mmm...NCG kinda, but all that consisted of was a polo shirt and khakis...so yes, in a way...
37. Last thing you bought from a pharmacy? That would be my vicodin and penicillin for the wisdom teeth episode
38. Who are you going to marry? Somebody rich and old.....nah...I have no idea
39. Who would you like to meet? This is a long list.....you?
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? I think I want to believe in it, but that it doesn't exist.
41. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? Sense of humor, looks and brains
42. Where would you go for a romantic evening? A fair....amusement park......New York City...somewhere with a lot of lights and a lot of excitement :)
43. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Do not get me started on shoes......I wasn't bad til I started working at that damn store, now I own a million shoes. Shoes are a horrible addiction.
44. Last song stuck in your head? Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Going Down Swinging
45. Any pets? Dog - Becky and Cat - Windy
46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? yeah, I don't know about characters, but I always liked Mike Meyers......although I think Stuart is up there, although I can't remember whether he is SNL or Mad.....decisions, decisions :)
47. What is one thing you would like to learn to do? Sky dive, knit, cut hair....there's a variety
48. What do you do when you are bored? I read, I sit on my computer, bah..I sound very boring
49. What is one thing you would want someone to appreciate about you? how about just appreciating me all together :)
50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? I have three exams this week, two tomorrow the first with an impossible book and a horrible teacher put together, I had a conversation with my ex last night for the first time since last year, and I have to study my ass off because I spent time on that so called conversation......What do I have to be grateful about? I'm grateful for my friends that are there for me no matter what, my roomates for making me laugh, I'm grateful to Jo for actually needing me, and I'm grateful for my family who I can talk to.........I'm a very grateful person minus the impossible exam and the other two, and boys who don't appreciate me :)
Your Birthday: July 23
Your Age Now: 21
Your Location: Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
School Grade: Junior in College......oh Lord that sounds old...
School Name: Central
Sex: female
Siblings: One sister
Hair Color: Dark brown, with highlights halfway down because I'm too lazy and too poor to get them redone :)
Eye: withot contacts? really really dark brown...with contacts they're a green
Height: 5'2''
Do you care about the way you look? There are days
Do you like your hair? Most days, yeah, I like my hair alot
Do you get tan? OH I definitely tan
Do you have big ears? No, I think they're actually a bit small
Do you have contacts or glasses? ho hum...both
Do you have braces? that would be no and never have
Do you rank your speed dial in order of your favorite friends: lol, kinda, I suppose...my family first, then it's Sar and Tim and Jon and Drew
Who do you e-mail the most? Visa, most likely
Who knows ALL your secrets? Ahhh well..there are a few that are very close, like Sar and Tim and Drew.....but other than that? nobody
Who did you get this survey from? haha, Danny who is one of the most awesomest people I know and we went to a concert together...although we can't say anything more than that :-D
Do your friends 'know' you? most do
Are there traits in you that are universally liked? huh? I think the word universally confused me...
How many people do you tell everything to? 2
How many people tell you everything? you know? i really don't know
Deaf or Blind: deaf
Truth or Dare: Dare me :)
Night or Day: night
Ocean or Pool: mmm.....let's go both, which is what I'l have in less than a month....a pool on a ship with the ocean out beyond..yay :)
Smoker or Nonsmoker: smoking is horrible
Diamonds or Pearls: Diamonds, although I really like black pearls
Croutons or Bacon bits: no thanks
Coffee or hot chocolate? hot chocolate, then tea, then a mocha :)
New or old? hwo about a good mixture of both?
Sweater or sweatshirt? sweatshirt..I live for my sweatshirts
Pencil or pen? Pen
T-shirt or tank top? tank top....
Stripes or solid? solid, I hate stripes
Wool or cotton? Cotton
Rose or Lily? Lily
Private school or public school? public
Chocolate milk or plain milk? Chocolate :)
Spring or Fall? Fall, I love fall
History or Science? History
Cried? Mmm.......not full out cried, but a few tears yes
Bought something? mochas from Java City....stuff to make cookies with Sar, wine and a movie rental with the roomates....
Not known the answer in class? My teachers don't ask questions :)
Been mean? Funny mean, not a mean mean
Been sarcastic? when am I not sarcastic?
Gone for a walk? Mmm...can't say that I have, I dont' really like walks all that much
Gone out for dinner? yes, went out with the family in Lansing
Met someone new? I'm always meeting new people
Said "I love you"? to my family, to Sar, to Tim, to Drew...I'm a very loving person
Taken a test? one last week in Nutrition, which I have to brag that I passed with a definite A, and an upcoming three this week
Talked to an ex? Mmm..yes that would be last night where I felt like I had to be a nice person and wish them a happy birthday which erupted into an hour long conversation.....then there's the ex that keeps calling, but I don't talk to him, and the one that knocked on my door Saturday night...joy :-P
Missed an ex? oh hell no
Written in a journal? that would be...right now
Been in a quiet room and screamed so there would be noise: can't say that I have
Left The Country? Sweden, Denmark, Canada, about to be Mexico again, and Belize
Taken Any Illegal Substances? mmm...no
Gone out in your pajamas? yes :) I love my pajamas
Set Yourself Or A Body Part On Fire? Nah, I tend to try to avoid setting myself on fire...
Started dancing when there was no music? all the time.....I also sing to myself...but that's a secret ;)
Pretended you were an opera singer? Only when I sing Phantom of the Opera....other than that...no :)
Kept a secret from everyone? who doesn't have secrets?
Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire? no, I like shoes too much now to do that unfortunately
Crashed into a wall in public? more than i care to count
Ever Cried At A "CHICK FLICK"? Haha, I believe the last one was Titanic.
Had A Crush On A Teacher? Hehehe.......yes
Done Something Stupid To Impress Your Crush? I don't think so....
Laughed so hard you cried? all the time
Found a cartoon character attractive? Mmm....I dunno.....
At anytime owned a "New Kids On The Block" tape? yes :)
Called or seen a psychic? no, but I've always wanted to try it
Gotten In A Car Accident? bah, a few
Fallen down the stairs? down and up....
Seen The Eiffel Tower? no, but I will
Went bungee jumping? In less than a month..
Broken the law? other than speeding? no
Ran from the cops? Lol, I don't have to do that anymore, thank God
Stolen something? I have too much of a guilty conscience
Made yourself throw up? can't do it
Went skinny dipping? oh Lord...yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not in one sitting....but yes
Watched "Punky Brewster": I hope not
Stayed home on a Saturday night just because? yeah
Shampoo: Pantene Pro-V
Conditioner: same
Perfume/Body Splash/Cologne: Maybe Baby by Benefit, Abercrombie.....there's a list
Color: mmm..light green, turquoise, white......
Bands/Singers: Bon Jovi, Green Day is rising up there....I dunno, I dont' actually have favorites in this
Commercial: I hate commercials...although there is one with puppies that I secretly like
Candy: Heath bars, Almond Joy, Snickers...hell...chocolate
TV Show: oh geez..my roomates have gotten me hooked on so many damn shows..here goes the list.....HOUSE!, the OC, Grey's Anatomy, Lost (once again) Reunion, food network, I really would like to get hooked on CSI because everytime I watch it I like it....maybe Desperate Housewifes? I don't know..I never watched tv before I moved in here.
Movie: Oh there's a list too.......too long for this
English/History/Math: history
Radio station: WIOG, the Moose..95.3
Cold or Hot: cold
>Lace or Satin: mm..both :)
>Here or There: There!
>Red or Blue: Blue
What are you listening to right now? Nickelback - Photograph
What time is it? 4:17, I really should be studying...
What do you sleep in? pants or shorts and a t-shirt or a tank top
Do you shave? mmm......when I have to
What kind of shoes do you wear? oh Lord....:-( Docs, New Balance, Ecco's, Birkenstocks, Clarks, and a whole other list that I don't want to expose you to :(
What kind of car do you have? Beretta - Chevy
Who is the last person you called? that would be my mom
What is your favorite type of music? Rock, maybe Country, Jazz is up there, but I think 80's rock tops anything :)
What is your favorite song at this very moment? I have no idea
What is the worst song you have ever heard? I dunno?
Do you play an instrument? Trumpet.....I know a bit of guitar but I learned when I was tipsy so I'm not sure how much of it has been retained.....although I did play it
How long is your hair? little past my shoulders
What is your favorite soft drink? diet pepsi with cherry :)
Are you easy to get along with? most of the time, I believe I'd be hell to live with though
Are you helpful or lazy? eeh, depends on the mood and mostly the people
Do you write in blue or black ink? Both
Do you circle the dots on your "i"s? hell no
Wearing? white long sleeve shirt and ripped (ie. worn so much that they ended up wearing out in certain places) jeans
Thinking of? How I really should be studying
Feeling? guilt..
Bought? mmmmthat would have been.......wine and a movie rental Friday night
Did? vegetables
Drank? diet pepsi with cherry..how many times am i going to have to type that damn drink?!
Watched on tv? that would've been Grey's Anatomy last night
High achiever or easy-going? definitely easy going..my sister got allthe high achieving genes in the family
Gloves or mittens? both, mittens are warmer though
Cassette or cd? CD
Matches or a lighter? since I can't work lighters, matches
Rickie Lake or Oprah Winfrey? let's say neither
Touched? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......I have no idea
Hugged? Sar
Instant messaged? Tim last night
Do you have a weird nickname? I have no idea
Do you shop at stores like Hot Topic? every so often, but they look at me weird when I go in there, so I generally avoid it :)
Do you make your own clothes (bondage pants, etc)? nope...wish I could though :)
Do you paint your nails black? nah...
Do you wear a watch? when I remember
How many coats and jackets do you own? an obscene amount which contributes to my obsession with coats and jackets....
Favorite pants/skirt color? uh...jean?
Most expensive item of clothing in your closet? I have no idea, I believe I might have a $50 sweater in there, but I really don't know without going through it
Describe your style in one word: comfortable
way too long