Jan 05, 2006 20:51
First entry of 06, I should make this special... hmm... well, let's begin with my New Years. I set a change of pace and decided not to mope around at home watching TV, then completely miss the New Years, only to not care in the end and treat it like any other day anyway. This year I went to Brit's. What was supposed to happen is 15 people were supposed to come over and we'd have a party. What happened was no one showed up, so it was just me, Brit, Mak and Abee. Which was okay, I'm not complaining. If there WERE 15 people there, I'd haven't gotten as many of those honey garlic meatballs as I did, and that would not have gone over well.
The events leading up to the ball drop were pretty boring. We ate food, mixed some drinks and argued over whether we'd watch the American or Canadian channel (I wanted a Canadian New Years, but Brit insisted on seeing some old guy talk). So whenever Brit left the room I'd flip the channel, and she'd come back, bithc, then change it back. At least I got to see some great Canadian artists performing, as opposed to Mariah Carey, who I'm not fond of any longer. The ball drop was boring, as usual, but right after we stood outside and listened to Natives on the Rez (Native Reserve) firing off their shotguns. Can't do that legally off the Rez 'round here (Rez is almost like a different country, onlu partially under the same law).
After that we were sitting around wondering what to do next. I shot a look a Mak and suggested a game. Playing games with him is fun. Dungeon Crawlers like Champions Return to Arms and D&D, and the Sims. He didn't have any Dungeon Crawlers, so we played Sims. And since we're both in a MGS faze, we named our characters Big Boss and Eva. He was really tired (we played from 1-4:30am) and I was pokin fun at him. He would erase a wall, build a room around it, then rebuild the wall we destroyed. So I'd be saying "What did you do that for? You just needed to build the wall around it! It would have saved lots of time!" in a jokin tone. And in a burst of laughter all he could muster from his mouth was "Shut up Amanda!" It was a great night.
Gaming news: I beat MGS1 The Twin Snakes. Not as good as Snake Eater, but still a great game. Snake Eater I STILL can't find in stores, but I'll get it eventually.
The last 3 nights I actually spent with my dad. I had the time off work and wanted to spend it with Brit (as usual), but she was sick and her mom was busy (so she claimed, lol), so I called my last resort for getting out of the house: My dad. My dad and stepmom only had one fight (Yay!)! They bicker over little things, and ever since I was young I'd hide away in the basement and wait it out, but now that I'm older I just kind of block it out... well, I try to.
It was fun, though. It's not like they hate each other, they just bicker occassionally. We rented three movies: Four Brothers (Definetely a good movie to watch if you're Black or Wigger), Fantastic Four and Mr and Mrs Smith. I've seen M&MS (Heehee, M&Ms), so we watched the other two instead. I didn't much care for Four Brothers, but I was surprised by how good Fantastic Four was. F4 is a Marvel comic with a DC appeal (Marvel comics have vast explanations for things and stories that require deep thought, while DC stories are simplified and the hero beats a bad guy simply by becoming stronger, not overcoming an internal challenge), and we all know how bad DC stories are. Because it was Marvel, it was a lot better than I expected... but because it was an hour and a half movie, it was too short to be able to enjoy fully. Though I think it rekindled my love for superheroes.
Well, back to work for another 4 days. Wish me luck *sighs indignantly*