(no subject)

Feb 13, 2008 16:40

I'm really not liking Sage right now. They were open today with this crappy weather. Well I was leaving Science hall and slipped on ice and fell down about six stairs. I came up to my room to get into dry clothes and they went to the wellness center but they had just left. They left early because of the weather. So I went to public safety and filed a report and they said they would call a medic but I don't have health insurance and seeing as I can't afford and them not knowing whether the school would cover it or not I didn't have them call one. I don't think anything is broken besides maybe my toe but they don't do anything for that. My leg is bruised, swollen and scraped to shit but they wouldn't be able to do anything for that. I didn't hit my head or my back so there was no real point. But I'm miserable and in pain and I heard tomorrow is suppose to be even worse and how much you want to bet Sage won't close. But my dad said chances are I'll be in even more pain tomorrow and won't want to even get out of bed. :(
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