Jun 30, 2004 18:05
hey kiddos whats up ! welll i havent updated in a while woopps ! i have been with gina!!! and lexie lol i love gina she is the coolest and if you dont think so ill kick your ass haha ! hold on ill be right back i gotta go the bathroom....ok im back ! well lets see !
Friday - ginaa picked me up !! it was her and her mom and melissa ! i got all ready for the beach ! and then we all went to wal mart and her mom bought us all a bunch of shiattt for the beachh !! and we got rafts andd stuff ! then we went to this shop on the beach and i got a louie vuitton@ i was like yeahyuh ! ahha i love it much !! then we got to the resort place and it was awesome ! we tanned in the pool and got prettyy and tan haha ! and thenn lexie finally came and we all went up and got in the jacuzzi and gina put too many bubbles in it haha ! and it waas like over flowing ohh well ... we all got prettyful and stuff ! then me gina her mom melissa lexie and ginas friend jordan pritt we all went to hooters ! it was good i ate a lot lol ! then gina's mom and melissa left hooters and me and lexie and gina and jordan walked around time square haha it was awesome the funniest thing ever happeended ! omgggg this guy was like this jesuse obsessed man and he was like asking all these questions and he was like whats the hardest job in the world ? and this homeless cracked out guy goes FIGHTIN IN VEITNEM !!! hahahahah omg gina and lexie no it was the funniest effinn thing in the world ! maybe you had to be there but it was so funny and then the guy that was asking the questiong and giving out the money he was like NO sir you are wrong aha and then the homeless guy was like tTHAT IS THE HARDEST FUCKIN JOB/.... GIMME MY MONEY MAN @! GIMME MONEY haha and he said it like he was a retarted and then guy is like noo sir you didnt answer it right and so the homeless man goes F*** you man ! haha you had to be there it was funny loll and then we just went to the pier watched the sunset and stuff it was cool and we came back and watched t.v and made prank calls it was soo funny ! haha hey there big boy!! lol
Saturday- we layed out at the pool all day and metsome people from chicago that was cool ! and then i went to rachels batm itzvah and hung out with matt and jay there are some funny fellowss and now im at lexies and i dont want to type because im hungryand yeah !well ill tttyl hit me up ! on thecell !
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