Aww, somebody light a match...oh wait.

Oct 13, 2004 12:45

Trust the Aussies to come up with one single genuine negative aspect of smoke-free bars and restaurants: rampant, uncamouflaged farting. I suppose I don't call this blog Nicotine & Gravy for nothing--sounds to me like the pubs had best stop serving the greasiest possible fare to their customers.

Mind you, that's not serious journalism I've linked to above; it's categorized as a "comment" piece, so there's no science behind (ha ha) the claim of "thousands of farts [accumulating] in a pub over the course of the evening." I mean, thousands? Really? You'd think bars would go up in a Great White-like fireball, what with people lighting matches and things in that atmosphere. Luckily, this argument at least provides some explanation for why certain businesses might suffer under smoking bans:

Even in bars where the clientele is less gaseous, there are overwhelming odours of industrial detergent and wood polish.

Nightclubs, by all accounts, are even worse. They are almost unbearable places to be now, as they stink not just of farts, but of sweat, spilt beer, and vomit.

Well, gee, classy places like those sure had a lot going for them to begin with! When your establishment's only redeeming (if I may stretch that term so shamelessly) feature is that it allows smoking, I'd say you're at the rim of the abyss, and rightly so.

Don't get me wrong, I have been known to comment on the benefits of being able to fart with impunity at some of the low-rent joints my reprobate friends and I have frequented, but I hereby make this solemn pledge: If they go smoke-free, I will happily hold it in. How's that for a fair trade?

secondhand smoke, farting

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