Nov 23, 2004 19:48
320 kcals, not bad going :) feelin surprisingly energetic! everyone's been asking why im not eating dinner...just said that ive been getting pains from eating too late and that i was going to try to be really healthy as part of my new year's resolution and had read that eating late was bad for your digestive system. all nothing much to do with my motives but hey, if it makes me happy it cant be that bad?!!!
the boy's still so good, but going to this party with him on the 23rd of Dec will so motivate me to lose this hideous fat and look like something he might possibly want to be seen with!
i hope that you are all wonderful and if you're not, get a good sleep and wake up happy and motivatd that tomorrow, no matter how much ypou weigh, its all progress from there on and it'll be your fattest day! :) *hugs* take care, thinking thin and dreaming it too, *shrinking violet*