Aug 26, 2008 22:48
There is one idea that is sure to move me to tears every time I think about it.
I am black.
I am a woman.
I was told, as a child, I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up (except for He Man-mom had a tough time expmaining that one). When I was a kid, this wasn't true. When my pre-school went to the hospital for a field trip, I left home in the morning saying I wanted to be a doctor, and I came home at night saying I'd be a nurse because boys were doctors and girls were nurses. My mother called the nursery school and gave them an ear full, you'd better believe it. But it was, to a very large extent, true.
When I was a kid I heard, and believed, that I could be anything I wanted to- even though 20 years ago it wasn't true.
From now on- for myself, my future children, and for their children- there are no more limits. My skin and my gender cannot confine me. And passing my skin on to my children will not be handing them something that will hold them back; the idea that it even could will be so alien to them, they'll have trouble understanding my gratitude.
There are no more fences, no more barriers, no more limits.
We are so blessed.