Aug 31, 2007 07:01
After this week at work, i am so freaking grumpy and I have to work sat too. ugh.
today i had to get up at 630 so i can go to the store to buy stupid fucking juice for a breakfast we are having at work. my boss told me what i HAVE to bring and I don't even have $$> i don't get paid until midnight tonight. i am so mad. Oh, and he is "letting" us leave work 30 mintues early. That doesn't do shit for me - becuase i have an appointment maybe up till the end of work (6pm) - how is that a bonus for us if we dont' knwo about it and schedule for it so we feel like we are getting a bonus?
OH, and buster is on some talking streak right now and wont' shut up - and hasn't - all week. He is driving me absolutely batty.
So, now to dry my hair and finish getting dressed.