this can't be it

Feb 19, 2006 12:16


my life this semester has been teaching and sleeping. omg, i have never been so busy or tired in my life. so far i've dealt with a 6th grader swearing at me, 8th grade girls' attitude, and some little fucker in the high school breaking my baton. not to mention all the after-school hours i put in, along with the weekend time. yesterday for solo and ensemble, i had to wake up at 4:45 am to be at the high school to RIDE THE BUS with the kids. now that was out of control, let me tell you. i didn't get home til 6, and by then i was literally so tired i couldn't move for the rest of the night. i have no's quite depressing.

my coop. teacher is difficult, to say the least. she's like an enigma...i just can't figure her out. she basically treats me like an assistant director, which is cool except i really have no clue what i'm doing. this week, after 4 weeks of almost no feedback, she started critiquing my teaching, so now i have pages and pages front and back of how much i suck.

ok enough least i get along with my kids really well. they are awesome. this week i'm taking over 6th grade band. last week was hell with them, but i think...i hope...i *might* be getting the hang of how to handle those guys. i'm blown away by their enthusiasm at learning music and an instrument. they get so excited to learn new notes and rhythms, and it makes all the hell so far worth it. the kids are worth it...hopefully that'll be enough for me.
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