I wanted to give you a heads up, my paypal account said my bank rejected the transfers. I will fix this. I completely understand if you want to hold onto the doujin until this is resolve.
I am very sorry, This is entirely my fault and I will resolve this.
Haha, ok. Your order is already packed in the envelope and is ready to be posted today. XD It's alright, I will hold on for you until the paypal problem is solved. ^^
5er! - $20
Shipping to america - $6
Total of your order will be US$26. If the price is alright with you, please send your payment to mandades@gmail.com with your name/nick. ^^
Ummm...I made a mistake and accidently sent you two payments of $26.00 by Paypal. So, you got $52.00 from me.
If you'd like, I'll buy the other Germany and Italy doujinshi you have and if you could send me the change back?
I'm sorry for any confusion.
Delivery Pasta - $12
Additional on shipping - $2
It will be US$14. I will return you back the change of $12 now. ^^
I am very sorry, This is entirely my fault and I will resolve this.
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