Jun 17, 2006 08:28
first of all, the person I'm talking about in this doesn't have a lj so don't feel like I'm mad at any of you, I just need to vent!
this is what I feel needs to be said, but I'm not mean enough to actually say it.
first of all, I should have been the first you told instead of the last you told. If I had reacted badly everyone would have said that I was mean....even though it was my opinion first. they would have called me a bad friend. but, if someone overlooks something that potentially could make them be very pissed at you, you should realize that they are a TRUE friend and you should work to keep that friendship. Instead you choose to grow distant from me and not talk to me except to give me one word answers. I go out of my way to invite you to things and you still won't come. Is it b/c you feel awkward around me? b/c I've tried to prove to you that I don't care about what you told me, but you still avoid me. I even asked you if you were mad at me and why you were replacing me instead of embracing me, and you say that you aren't replacing me and that you're not mad at me. what the crap!? not replacing me? that's funny cuz I sure do seem to think that when you start to hang out with my other friends and ignore me its called REPLACEMENT!!!
Its funny how this happens to me over and over again. The people that I befriend decide to befriend my other friends and drop me. I'm just going to give up unless she makes a point to get closer w/ me again.I'm not going to be her enemy or anything...we just won't be close like I thought we were. I'm not going to be the one who is always hurt. I can't always be that person!