(no subject)

Sep 28, 2012 11:01

I never thought I'd see the day I was glad to see school holidays term 3 definitely hasn't been the best term I got a 'verbal' warning from work.

My level leader has made it quite clear she doesn't like me I don't even get spoken to at team planning each year we have a yearly review called an ARM they basically talk about your strengths and areas for improvement this happened last year and was quite positive this year was a different story.

I walk in the principal and the deputy were there then the literacy leader walks in they spent 25 of the 30 minutes telling me I don't contribute to the team ( I am guessing the level leader said something in her ARM) my children haven't made as much progress as they should of and I don't take advice on board basically got told to pull my socks up or else ( they can't fire me I'm ongoing they have to go through due process and give you a certain number of written warnings)

It gets better the literacy leader pulls me aside and says herself Dänni who has been working in my room are going to discuss support for next term! I had a funny feeling that was not going to happen and was quite nervous. I get told we will be meeting in the meeting room then all of a sudden I get told we are meeting in the principal's office and the deputy walks in ( so basically I was lied to yesterday) I was in there for two hours so I lost most of my preparation time and give a 3 page document outlining everything from I e-mail my planners to the lady that helps out too late too how my room is set up.

They have given me till week 3 next term to improve or they will start due process so basically a written warning! In the past 4 years I have been teaching I have worked for so many schools and never had this problem. I love teaching but if this is how some schools operate I don't know if I can keep doing it and that scares me I have wanted to be a teacher since year 10 and until this year despite the challenges I have faced I loved it but now I'm not so sure I'm cut out for it.

I am aware I have opportunities for improvement I am not perfect but I don't think it's fair I was sat in a room for two hours and basically told off! I want to improve and I am disappointed in myself that this us what people think of me. All I can do is play the game so to speak and hope it doesn't go any further. I feel bad I lacked Matty up and made him move to Melbourne and its been nothing but stress at work I just hope the risk I have taken is worth it!

Plus to top it all off I have a funny feeling that they might want to put the house on the market which means we will be moving right on Xmas again plus trying to write 20000+ words for reports and planning a wedding!! Not the best timing that's for sure.

On the plus side things are coming along well with the wedding I ordered my ring yesterday and I have organized my dress now it's just a matter of paying for it all : p

All I can say is bring on January 12th!! I need something to celebrate!

♥ Manda

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