Jan 15, 2009 22:43
I've decided that it is totally awesome that I pretend that I have more money than I actually due. You know, ignoring your month past due credit card bills and paying your car payment two weeks late while borrowing money from your roomates to pay for your share of utilities is just really good for my mental health.
On another note, I'm already lonely (as those of you who have been the target of my friendless wrath have probably figured out). I hate this fucking time of year. Its cold, and depressing, and my best friend/other half leaves me for two whole months. Add in my money stress/anxiety and my mother on my back 24/7 about what I'm doing with my life (which, by the way I still have no idea what I AM doing with my life, seeing as I've been too lazy/fond of the avoidence strategy to even print out any applications for the nursing programs I've been looking at)..... so lets place bets on how long it'll take me to crack this year and maybe February 22 will come faster as we're all waiting to see who wins.