A good but clumsy day

Jan 12, 2005 21:41

Today was a good day hehe i got up and i had a snowday so i slept in till like 10:30am ahh it felt sooo good! hehe ummm i got up and had to get ready to go to the dentist (YUCK) wen i was making my breakfast i cut myself wit the knife by acident OUCH!!! it bleed sooo much and hurts still! i hate that so much but yea so i got ready and wen i got to the dentist the lady that did my teeth was kinda bitchy so i was nice to her and suprisingly made her in a good mood we talked about the food network mommy and i watch it hehe! but umm yea she hurt me there she really went at it at my teeth like she was taking anger out on them! grrr! but ummm yea no cavities yeah! hehe goodness hehe. soo after that i picked kimmie up and we went and got our nails done and then went for lunch it was fun just the 2 of us good time! i love having nails sooo pretty! hehe. Then i went to the bad place for 2 hours and after i went to dinner wit my mommy and daddy at Rolling Rock yummmy! there was a police car sittin outside of it for like 2 hours with no cop in it. it was rather weird wen we were done it was still there no cop and all! the car is gunna run out of gas! i hate gas i wish we didnt have to pay for it and we didnt need it for our cars we should electric ones or something or just magic cars hehe that would b great! soo ummm yea that was my day. pretty good and productive kinda not really! but Oh well hehe i had a good day! Devon(brian's lil sis) told me he made it to Bagdad ok! which makes me happy and not i dont want him to b there i rather him some where else! yea kno? but i have no controll of that. Wen i was driving home today i was wondering does everyone else strongly believe that he is coming home back too like me? and then i started to think a lot about wat would happen if something happened to him i dont think i would b able to get over it! AHHHH it scares me sooo freaking much!! grrr to the gov. for taking my boyfriend away! but seriously its scary i and i pray everyday that he comes home safe and soon and i pray for all the troops that they r all safe!!! well ok im done now im gunna go watch TV ttul mwa nitenite!

~Keep the troops in ur prayers!~ I love you Brian mwa
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