Thus Martin Gardner's classic description of the crank scientist in the first chapter of his Fads and Fallacies. In lieu of superfluous comments, let us pass on to Gardner's list of the "five ways in which the sincere pseudo-scientist's paranoid tendencies are likely to be exhibited."
- He considers himself a genius. - He regards his colleagues, without exception, as ignorant blockheads. Everyone is out of step except himself.... - He believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against.... - He has strong compulsions to focus his attacks on the greatest scientists and the best-established theories. When Newton was the outstanding name in physics, eccentric works in that science were violently anti-Newton. Today, with Einstein the father-symbol of authority, a crank theory of physics is likely to attack Einstein in the name of Newton.... - He often has a tendency to write in a complex jargon, in many cases making use of terms and phrases he himself has coined....
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Comments 29
А вообще, печально конечно.
- He considers himself a genius.
- He regards his colleagues, without exception, as ignorant blockheads. Everyone is out of step except himself....
- He believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against....
- He has strong compulsions to focus his attacks on the greatest scientists and the best-established theories. When Newton was the outstanding name in physics, eccentric works in that science were violently anti-Newton. Today, with Einstein the father-symbol of authority, a crank theory of physics is likely to attack Einstein in the name of Newton....
- He often has a tendency to write in a complex jargon, in many cases making use of terms and phrases he himself has coined....
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