Две забастовки на той неделе

Mar 17, 2011 00:31

What am I expected to do during a strike?

Your union will only take strike action once every other avenue of influence has been exhausted and when your branch officers think there is no other way to make members’ views clear. It is a very serious sanction and that’s why we ask that every member observes the strike. Every member who does not observe the strike is directly undermining the union’s bargaining power and making it harder for the union to protect all its members. When we call a strike we ask that members do not come into work and do not reschedule their classes. The best possible thing you can do is contact your local rep and volunteer to help out on the picket lines. It isn’t illegal, it isn’t dangerous and it can be fun.

Do I have to tell my employer that I am taking strike action?

In order to fulfil legal requirements, employers have been provided with statistical information about UCU members taking industrial action, but not individual names. You are under no obligation to inform management in advance as to whether you will be taking part in strike action or action short of a strike. However, if your manager asks you after the strike whether you took action, you should answer truthfully.


Не то что я член профсоюза или собираюсь принимать участие в этом балагане - у меня и так реально 20-22 часовых лекции на курс всего, какие уж тут забастовки. Пощу чисто для ознакомления.

Бастуют, если что, по поводу изменений в пенсионных отчислениях (фунтов на 40 буду в месяц больше платить, блин) и возможной смены схемы с "финальной зарплаты" на "среднюю". Наверное, возмущаются справедливо, но не до них сейчас, и так горю на работе.

teaching, england

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