Come Together

Sep 01, 2010 23:30

Ok, first of all...will someone please explain to me what all this facebook, twitter, cross-posting malarchy is all about? I don't read the LJ annoucements most of the time and clearly I should start doing so. I don't even understand how it would work because as far as I know my FB has absolutely no connection to my LJ and I'd very much like to keep it that way. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I like to keep my RL and my fandom life separate. So please, someone reassure me that all of sudden everything I post or comment won't somehow end up elsewhere?

In other news...I am finally getting out of the countryside! In exactly 10 days I will be back in Glasgow and not long after that the uni works begins again. I cannot wait. Seriously. I've been counting down the days for about 3 months now and I am getting spine tingling-ly close to the big move day. Not to say I'm not nervous in that excited sort of way because I am. I love that city, lived there for 4 years already, so I have absolutely no qualms about being back there. However, I am going into postgrad halls so I'm nervous/excited about meeting the people I'll be living with for the next year. Also feeling some of that nervous excitement in regards to my course. Not only because it is my Masters and it'll be more intense than my undergrad degree but also because its an interdepartmental degree so I'll be working on topics I've never spent that much time on before, certainly not at this level anyway. It makes me nervous. Still, I am definitely looking forward to it all. I do love a good challenge when it comes to academics. (I am such a dork, can you tell? *g*)

You know what else worries me? That I won't be able to watch the second season of Glee. I'm not even sure when its airing in the UK but I won't have a TV and the uni internet certainly doesn't allow for downloading. I can only hope I can stream it on the 4oD website. God I hope so. Actually, pretty nervous about Glee in and of itself. You know when you love a show so much and then the second season disappoints? I really hope that isn't the case with Glee. If the only thing I get out of the second season is Rachel having some real friends for a change, I'll consider it a success!

rl, glee

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