Jun 16, 2007 12:09
hey everyone, and welcome all to this latest instalment of the moments of my life.
sorry i havent updated or even been here that much, but i just been trying to keep myself busy with playing games, watching wrestling (catching up on TNA mostly) and looking for work wherever i could.
I've come to accept many things in this turbulent clusterfuck of emotions the world has in store for me and my head...and have come to realize that i does indeed have to happen, whether we like them or not, but that we should'nt lock ourselves up and cast ourselves away from the world outside.
just enjoy life and keep living..
yes very hokey, i know...but this was thought out about 2-3 days ago, so please bear with me if it does sound a little cheesy at first......
wrote something, dunno if it makes sense or not, but i just found myself writing it one night and felt somewhat relieved by it upon finishing it, since this is considered a place of public viewing and a place to get opinions/views and exchange ideas (the true purpose of the internet, not bitching about why your comic book heroes suck when they become movies, or exchanging porn....or for that movie trying to kook up with a 14 year old kid) so here it is:
I have a lot on my mind and not a lot of it will come out making any sense, but with whatever does come out might begin to make sense if you start piecing them together on your own.
the first thing i need to get out of the way is that i am a good person with the mind of a child at times.
i get overly loud when im excited about something
i pout when i dont get what i want
i cry when i am alone
i daydream of worlds that you can only hope one day could be your own reality
my thoughts dont realy make any sense at times and i am hardly perfect at putting things in order but maybe you can take notes or something, seeing it through someone else's eyes or points of view might bring some clarity to this already darkened aspect of who i am.
life has important moments that become obvious as we wake each and everyday. stuff that happens to everyone. the important parts that are what make up the life story of who we are, the building blocks of a whole.
we are born
we grow
we learn
we love
we live
we die
anyway, I used to have a best friend, we did everything together, my friend and I.
wow, has it really been 6 years we've known each other?
we dont see each other anymore.
cold, heartless, abusive best friend
she was that and never really cared for me
she was all those things
she was like everybody else.
Ive lived a life of lost loves and broken hopes
each more painful than the last
they always say that it will get better.
that the grass is always greener on the other side.
but what they dont realize is that it just looks nicer from the other side, from affar, but when you are standing on it, it just looks like dirt with green hair growing out.
I was never good at being with other people
i never really got the whole scheme of it
always worry if that person would find me ugly one day
scared that i might lose that person somehow
afraid that this person would break my heart
but all that becomes easy when you have a person.
you dont need to try or ever stress about the matter
it all comes natural
everything goes right.
times can strengthen a bond
or just break it apart
we cannot live our lives in some infinite loop that just captures a moment of life that we onced cherrished and replays it, even if it did make sense, we would know it would not be right.
we all have to grow from everything.
things happen in life that we do not have control of
but it the decisions we make during those hard and even painful times that realy show us what we've learned from them.
I am a friend for those who need me and really care about me
I'll be there with nothing but the best intensions at heart
and who knows
maybe one day things will be better
for each of us
for both of us
dunno about you, that that helped me sleep that evening...and kinda made me realize that i need to be there for the ones who need me.
shutting things out was'nt gonna solve anything ...
this helped me sleep that night..
thanks for letting me share this...eventhough it's a coupla days old, lol
later gaterz