Apr 26, 2007 21:03
"My roommate is such a horny girl
shes playin with herself on cam right now...
she told me to tell you, because she liked your profile "
this, among many others with similar services and themes pop up now and then (and in heavy numbers) on my inbox each and everyday, promising the erotic escapades of some young girl to my computer monitor which would hopefully bring out pleasure to me and evendently....my pants.
seriously....you people do not know how many friend invites get that literally have girls in very perverted positions and bizarre camera angles (which i call the "attention-whore" shots) that show a bit of cleavage, buttocks (lol.....that's a funny word), or the occasional but never tiresome 'panty shot' in hope of making their friends list a little more bulkier and be the bees knees (yes, i talk in 1920's slang....sue me, yeh whippersnappers!!!!).
why am i bringing this up.....simple.......because it's a blog update, and this is what i saw before entering this site, huzza!
lol....all kidding aside, I like cake!
what cake you ask.....ICE CREAM!
but in all seriousness, have any of you guys gotten like 15-25 friend invites or messages promoting such things.....or let's have a role reversal here...have any of you GALS gotten similar messages r request from male oriented advertisements of the skin?
you know...yer a gil blogger and you get messages from rico suave dudes wanting to be their friends and all you see in their profile is pictures of them with their shits off, showing their pecs ( or 'man titties' as i call them)and having their pants down almost all the way that you can see some....crotch? or man-ass even?
"My roommate is such a horny guy
he's playin' with himself on cam right now...
he told me to tell you, because he liked your profile"
lol......muwahahhahahahahahahahaha....oh sorry, but i just find that funny if you gals HAVE actually gotten some kind of message that sounds similar to this....hahahahahaahaahahaahah.
"ay ay ay diz rico suave bomba sexy man wants me to watch him wank.......you had me at 'hello'"
but seriousness......half of these are fake accounts
and the other half are people trying to con you into going to their real sites....and those sites are pornography sites.....and they're not even the FREE ones....BASTARDS!!!!!
making poor working schmoes like us give up their cerdit cards....just so they can pay to watch titties and penisses...FOR SHAME!!!!!!
and for the girls "I WANT MY DICK SHOTS!!!"....wait, eww
lol.....man, these analogies of mine are on a rampage tonight, hahaha
anyway, on the personal note, ive been doing nothing but job interviews this entire week......and with that comes alot of walking.
my legs are so tired......and i'm wearing out my dress shirts and pants like there's no tommorow.
but the final interview over at JFK airport is tomrrow, and hopefully that means that sometime next week, or the week after, i shall get some updates to as whether or not i at least get one.
reason why my legs are tired...ive been walking too much....hardly have enough cash on me to use the train or bus, so i have to rough it at times to get to my appointments, but it's kewl...as long as i get work, it dont hurt me none.
well, that's all for this week.....hopefully this blog has been both insightful and well.....ummm,er.....insightive(not a real word, but just go with it.......please! i'm almost done, honest) with the world that's going on around you..
later gaters.