Apr 19, 2007 13:17

have you ever had one of those times where you hear a song so much times that i eventualy grows on you?
y'know, you're at someone's house (friend, relative, gf or bf, lover in some cases) doing god know's what (just remember 'kids in the dark cause accidents and accidents in the dark cause children', hehehe) and the said person startplaying some music on their computer or entertainment, which is perfectly natural because it is that person's home and they just wanna let you feel at home.

You hear this first you think it's okay, and mostly other times you start to remember the group that sings the song and remember how bad you hated them (or never realy liked them to begin with) when you listened to them growing up...

funny thing about that is that whenever you visit this person.....this is the song that is always on heavy rotation coming out through their speakers...EVEN IN SHUFFLE!!!


seriously, you dont know how many times this song has come out of knowhere eventhough the purpose of a 'shuffle' option is to play the guessing game as to what song will come out through the speakers in a random matter, no order whatsoever.

im not gonna say what song it is.....because im gonna let you guys guess, lol
that way i wont suffer the embarrasment too much, hehehehe
so c'mon...let's go , you are on the clock....

this is me having some fun with you c'moooooooon, i know you wanna play
hugz and kisses, MUWAH!!!!
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