Feb 01, 2010 08:19
Of late, we’ve been having some trouble role playing. Not just me, though truth be told I am certainly at the heart of some of the issues, but as a household as a whole. Seems there has been some residue from the departure of an old housemate who had been not all together as conducive to the wellbeing of the house as he would have us believe. His departure left an atmosphere of competition and distrust in our gaming that only now has come to the fore. All our games have suffered from it, which is a real pity. On my part, I seriously considered giving gaming up all together, feeling that I was burnt out, uninspired, and just not up to it anymore.
Of course, the awesomeness of that which is Jyan decided to do something about it, and talked to us about returning to “basics”. What he meant by basics though, was Basic Dungeons & Dragons! We’ve all created a simple character each; I’m playing the magic-user with a measly 8 Strength and 6 Constitution! But the stats don’t matter, what does matter is that we’re having fun, and lots of it.
Jyan has run 3 sessions now, and they have been a ball. Our first dungeon saw us rocket to 3rd level, and most of us are on the cusp of advancing to 4th level the next adventure.
The good thing about this foray is that we truly have returned to basics. We sit around the table, eat some junk food, and just play to have fun. No advancing agendas, no sniping behind other player’s backs, no taking advantage at the expense of others, no massive convoluted plots that leave everyone scratching their heads. Just good old fashioned role playing fun. This really is a nice turn of events, and something that the household has needed for a very long time.
Jyan is not only a great game master, but he also understands people. It’s these two traits that have made what he is doing so successful. I’m looking forward to many more of our characters adventures, and can’t wait till he hit “name level” so we can get our respective fortresses and put our name in the ground!
Can you believe I just said “name level”? Man, this is fun.
emotional crap,
role playing