For those who don’t know, I’m a huge of the Cthulhu Mythos, particularly as described by
H. P. Lovecraft. I do like the works produced by other writers, but Lovecraft remains my favourite.
Yesterday, Jyan included me in his
Cthulhu role playing game. It was the first session of the year, with the majority of the other players having played in the campaign beforehand. This was my first game ever of Cthulhu, and I have to say I enjoyed it very much. The session began a little slowly with the necessary development of character connections. Unfortunately, due to the extreme heat of the day, I nodded off, and only woke up again after the game had been running for a while. Jyan quickly introduced my character, and we were off.
The adventure is called Indus, and it’s a prequel to the main campaign. The idea is for players to familiarize themselves with each other’s playing style, try out a few different characters, and work on their role playing skills. It was a large group, which led to a touch of chaos (primarily to my hearing impairment causing me to not be able to hear anything but noise at times), but nothing that was too distracting or destructive to the game.
I played a veteran of the Australian Imperial Forces, a grizzled warrant officer who remained in Europe after the war, made his way to India, and now makes a living as a big game hunter. He uses a lot of slang, is a bit of a larrikin and a bloke. He was fun to play and I enjoyed the session very much.
Jyan continues to impress me with his amazing game mastering skills. He tells me that he was off his game due to the heat and nerves, but I have to say if that was him off his game, then he must be truly awesome when he IS on his game. I’ve been GMing for over 3 decades now, and I still have so much to learn from someone like Jyan who can run a game with his eyes closed and one arm tied behind his back.
I’m REALLY looking forward to the next session, and more Cthulhu weirdness.