Here's a couple more fridge magnets that I've designed, these ones for my local bear club, VicBears.
I'm really pleased with how they turned out. The first one is for our big annual event, Southern HiBearnation, which is held every June. I was involved with the competition years ago when it first started, and boy has it grown from a local city event to one that is recognized as on of the biggest events int he Southern Hemisphere
The second one, which I finished today, is for the club itself. I used one of my older images for this, that I coloured today as well. In the end, some modifications had to be made, and in my hurry accidentally saved a flattened version of it over the PSD, meaning I had to start it all over again to make the changes - after a suitable amount of swearing and cussing.
So, as you can see, it's been a busy day for me :)
Right, I'm off to bed.