It's taken a few days, but I've got some photos of Bear Day Out, where I took my work on the off chance that I might be able to sell a few prints. The good news is, that I managed to sell 2 prints, that easily covered my costs, and I also got some interest regarding a couple of commissions. Of course, I won't hold my breath regarding the commissions till I get the emails confirming them.
Anyway, here's a few pics from the event.
Me and my ever patient, every supportive partner, Matt.
The display set up to show off my works. It looked quite good too, I think, and I had lots of people browsing, though I would have preferred that they bought some stuff too :)
Me and a young mate from Sydney who was down for the weekend. We'd been chatting for years, and this was the first time we had met in person.
Some of my circle of friends - Steve, Me, Matt, Ray, and Ben.
And another pic of my mates, this time with Phil (and pres of VicBears), who was missing in the last pic.
So there's a little peek into my Saturday afternoon/night. I ended up have way too much to drink, and after the event we all trooped off to Ray and Ben's place for pizza, salad, softdrinks, and a John Waters DVD. A great ending to a great day.